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Never is the first single from Fred Everything’s new album, Love, Care, Kindness & Hope. For the occasion, Fred reached out to a true pioneer and arguably one of the most recognizable voices in house music, Mr. Robert Owens. Robert is responsible for classics such as Bring Down The Walls with Larry Heard and Tears by Satoshi Tomiie & Frankie Knuckles.

A follow up to their 2021 collaboration “I’ll Take You In”, Never was written during Robert’s last trip to Montreal. Built around a warm major to minor chord progression, a bouncy analog bass line and an unusual jerky drum programming, this song contains all the themes from the album title. Since his seminal classic I’ll Be Your Friend, Robert’s reassuring message is part of his legacy and is still felt here.

“Can I be a shoulder to lean on. A Voice of reason in the sun. (I’ll) be there for you.”

It also features a beautiful horn section, arranged & played by Amsterdam based Finn Peters, which reinforces the element of Hope.

Remixes from Osunlade, Waajeed and Fred will be available in the Spring 2024.

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