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The Beat, The Scene, The Sound

DJ Disciple

Catch 22
C247 | 2025-01-17  
Marc Cotterell Plastik Vocal Mix (5:56)
In 2024, DJ Disciple continued to redefine house music and its cultural impact. Releasing two tracks every month, he captivated audiences with his fresh, innovative productions that resonated globally. Collaborating with talented artists like Shino Blackk, Demarkus Lewis, Marc Cotterell, Amine Ben, and DJ Kone & Marc Palacios, DJ Disciple infused his music with diverse sounds, creating timeless, chart-topping tracks.

To Kick off 2025, Disciple has released his album, "The Beat, The Scene, The Sound", an album reflecting on his transformative 2024 journey. This album, featuring standout remixes from his collaborators, bridges his achievements in music, education, and storytelling, cementing his legacy as a pioneer in house music.
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