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Deja Vu - Yvonne Turner Baby Powder Mixes

Brooklyn Groove Machine

PLG-3090 | 2021-09-30  
Remixer/producer Yvonne Turners discography spans from Whitney Houstons Im Your Baby Tonight, the late great Loleatta Holloway (Cant let You Go), the Colonel Abrams underground classic, Music is the Answer, to Willie Colons Paradise Garage fave, Set Fire To Me (Yvonne Turners Latin Jazzbo Mix), to name a few. Credited as one of the unsung architects of House Music and the New York club sound, this exclusive remix package of Brooklyn Groove Machines (BGM) Deja Vu - Yvonne Turners Baby Powder Mixes, is a delicious union of legendary groove master producer/writer/Arranger Randy Muller and the long under celebrated Turner, for a solid relaunch of her signature dance floor magic.

Pumping 80s synth bass, Turners classic driving dubby percussive vibe topped with syncopated jazzy piano work by none other than Lenny Underwood (Unlimited Touch) as well as sizzling soulful vocals, set this iteration of BGMs feel-good refrain apart from previous mix sets of this title for its uniquely raw rhythmic-seduction to breakout the baby powder (Paradise Garage-style) and bust a move.

Yes, its déjà vu allover again!


Original Production/ Written by Randy Muller.
ReMixer/Remix Prod.- Yvonne Turner for Plaza Records,NY.
Keyboards - Lenny Underwood
Remix Pre-Prod. Engineer - Alan Friedman.
Mix Engineer: Dave Darlington
Remastered - Francois K.
Special Shoutout - Bexx Mack for the vibe and for being on point
Publishing: One To One Music Publishing Co.

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