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Oh My God - No Doubt Mixes


PLG-3098 | 2023-01-27  
OMG! "No Doubt"- Shelia's vocals shines with a sunny Sunday morning gospel vibe that can take you back home on a feel-good high. Da girl can saaang!! The bassline is fat and funky, with Barry Johnson on bass and yours truly on vocal hooks, percussion, analog synth/keys, etc. Lots of soulful energy in this one!

About The Romatt Mix:

We added the Romatt Mix to the package as it comes with a bit of history: It features the work of a then young and upcoming New York DJ who, at that time, as quite eager for work and to show the world what he can do. So we decided to give it a try and ask him to mix a song I had just written. Using an old Mackie board, a Mac G3 and an MPC 2000, he and partner Matt Echoles delivered this mix; a super housed up version of the song,"Oh My God," which we released back in the year 2000. And the response was amazing.

It's now more than two decades since this now classic mix smoked the dance floor. We just thought it would be a great addition to the package: a reminder of the sonic evolution of the music we love and and love to Dance to.

Just had to share!


Vocals - Shelia
Analog synths,/Keys, percussion, vocal Hooks - Randy Muller
Bass - Barry Johnson, Randy Muller
Radio Edits - Mike Vitti
Recorded - Plaza Records Studios, NY
Mixed @ Bass Hit Studios, NYC
Mix Engineer - Dave Darlington

"No Doubt Mixes"by Randy Muller

Romatt Mix by DJ Romaine & Matt Echoles for Plaza Records


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