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Progressive Classics Phase 2

Various Artists

19Box Recordings
19BOXAL039 | 2018-01-17  
19BOX RECORDINGS kick starts the year with "Progressive Classics" series, showcasing prog tracks from 19BOX RECORDINGS archives and a must-have collection for fans and clubbers alike. DJ 19's enduring Japan imprint has long drawn on its label history since 1999. As the title indicates, the compilation will see DJ 19 taking stock of where the label has been and where it is.

Stacked full of seminal tunes from the likes of DJ 19, Steve May, Matt Rowan, Murat Uncuoglu, Thomas Penton, 4Mal, Bjorn Fogelberg and more, "Progressive Classics Phase 2" contains 12 classics and turns any moment into a trip down memory lane.
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