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ARM032 | 2024-04-12  
Arrivals Medellín warmly welcomes the talented Andrés Suárez back from Cali with his latest EP, "Hanoi"! This EP is a true gem.

"Hanoi" is a blend of assertiveness and groove, adorned with vocals that set the moment on fire, adding a special touch to every beat. The track immerses you in a unique experience, where each note feels like a journey to the vibrant energy of the dance floor.

On the other hand, "Kentay" offers a fusion of groove and captivating atmospheres that invite you to move non-stop. With a rhythm that flows gracefully and a punchiness that doesn't go unnoticed, this track is the perfect combination to elevate any party to another level.

With this new release, Andrés Suárez once again showcases his ability to create music that transcends.

Distributed by Triplepoint -
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