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UMC096 | 2024-04-26  
Uncles Music Color presents a new release UMC096 in the genre of organic house by the talented artist Ildar Khouse titled "Back to You". This club track captivates with its magical atmosphere, unique beauty, and superb male vocals.

"Back to You" transports the listener into the immersive world of organic house, where every note and sound create a harmonious and emotionally rich composition. The musical canvas of this track is perfectly balanced, revealing amazing melodies that captivate and take you far beyond reality.

The male vocals present in the track add a special magic to it. The singer's voice penetrates the soul of every listener, awakening inner emotions and creating an unmatched energy.

"Back to You" is a true work of art in the genre of organic house, allowing you to immerse yourself in the world of beauty and emotions. The track created by Ildar Khouse will undoubtedly capture your heart and make you come back to its melodies again and again.

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