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Dancefloor Politics


Protoned Music
PTND015 | 2021-08-24  
Creating a complete and fulfilled dancefloor can be quite the task, keeping in mind all the various fundamentals required in the process. A dancefloor is made up of many different, beautiful individuals from all parts of the world, with each their own unique love for the psychedelic music and its scene. Every passionate dancer on the floor has their own reasons as to why the psychedelic music is somehow connected to their roots, triggers the endorphines and touches their soul. A well-composed dancefloor should refrain from turning into being solely dependent on who presses the play-button. A dancefloor can be considered a place wherein the music is the ceremony and the DJ is the facillitator. It should create space for getting to know each other, adapt and improve and ultimately transition into beings who connect with their likeminded creatures from our beautiful universe.
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