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Nes mburu was born in a small town in Kenya called Thika, it's exactly 45km from our capital city Nairobi , My music is inborn, my dad used to sing and still sings today in the church choir and its no wonder music was my first love My musical hero's are my parents actually the reason is they noticed something about me when i was less than 2 years old (that every time they'd leave the radio on id sleep but immediately they turned the music off id wake up no matter what time of the day or night) basically it was me telling them that my peace is connected to music and in their own way they chose to respect and nurture my gift and for that ill forever be greaful When i was in class 2 thats around 6 years i started playing the conga and its been my thing since then, i also play the guitar and piano but the conga is what am extremely good with. Music is my life, I sing with so much Joy and am glad its making a positive impact all over the world

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