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LHR07 | 2014-03-03  
Lazare Hoche Records push forward into 2014 with a brand new three-track EP from the collective known as Mandar. The three-man crew is made up of Lazare Hoche himself, along with his good friends Danish producer Samuel Andre Madsen and Dutchman Malin Genie. Across three tracks we witness the trio bear their souls on a collection of raw, uncompromising music that refuses to subscribe to the latest trends. There is no bandwagon jumping here, just pure unadulterated club music. Take lead track 'Naughty Mandar' for instance, with its stripped down, barely there percussion and unrelenting bassline which trembles below softly swirling pads. In the background lurks the hushed whispers of a male vocal revealing his love for house music, it's dark and melancholy yet instilled with a feeling of hope. Title track 'Width' wastes no time in providing some bounce, kicking off with an energy which is maintained from start to finish. Sharp snares cut through celestial pads and jovial analogue stabs provide a bright juxtaposition to the morose bassline. Finally, '808 Ruffneck Business' lives up to its name aiming straight for the jugular with its minimalist composition - it's all about the beats.

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