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EER104 | 2023-08-28  
Electric Eden Records presents an exciting EP by the talented Argentine artist Fernando Chia, titled "Adopción." Embark on a captivating journey into the realms of Melodic House and Techno with this two-track release.

"Adopción" showcases Fernando Chia's exceptional production skills and his ability to craft immersive soundscapes. The title track envelops listeners with its mesmerizing melodies, driving rhythms, and atmospheric textures. "Proteccion" continues the sonic exploration, taking us deeper into a world of emotive chords and pulsating beats.

Discover the captivating sounds of Fernando Chia's "Adopción" and experience the fusion of melody and groove that defines Melodic House and Techno. Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere created by this talented Argentine artist.

For more information about Electric Eden Records and to explore their diverse catalog, visit Prepare to be captivated by the evocative music of Fernando Chia and his EP "Adopción," a testament to his artistic vision and the label's commitment to delivering exceptional electronic music experiences.
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