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Sing / Trap

For Life

MTK040 | 2021-12-10  
Original Mix (4:00)
Original Mix (5:50)
SwingingTastyBag Remix (5:24)
McLean & Mai Remix (5:21)
Reemerging from the shadow of an 18 month lockdown-induced hiatus, Motorik! Recordings re-ignites the dancefloor with a metaphorical flamethrower: Trap/Sing, from cult technoeuphoria magnate FOR LIFE. Recorded in the all-analogue wonderland of Studio Motorik in Sydney, Australia, these two originals are overflowing with megaravepower - capturing the sound of 1am in the warehouse with style, grace and untz untz untz.

It's a return to the label's Fun With Techno guiding principles. Sing is a dance floor meditation, a groove for all nations. Rising pads and blissed out sawtooth moments with choral accoutrements combine to form a whole that wouldn't be out of place in a certain M.Mayer's deejay set (we're looking at you, Koeln). Trap harks back to the building blocks of euphoric late 80's house music, but cranks the pump up to 11 with a bassline big enough to demolish buildings.

MTK extends the hand of friendship via remix packaging to you all, with a standout select with rising hi-NRG techno warlords McLean & Mai laying it on thick with Trap - a slamming paean to the sort of grimy, strobe-lit, probably illegal, dancefloor ideal both future and past. From straight out of leftfield, one of Sydney's most outlandish all-analogue improvisational machines, TastySwingingBag, give to us a little slice of paradise: a five and a half minute live jam, no edits, just straight up skill and vibrations from another plane - stripping back the heavy pump of Sing and running it through their machines for maximum effect.

All up, we're backkkk. It's been a minute, but expect more from us, more from For Life, and generally just more.

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