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Love Life
Brukel Music 15th release of the soon coming Brutha Basil album 360 Degrees Of Brutha Basil.
There is so much stress, tension, anxiety, heartache, pain, fighting and the deception is sadly leading many of us to stress filled lives everyday. And everyday we will need something to motivate us and I wanted to create an inspiration song with a message. In hope that someplace and somewhere most definitely somebody would start their day listening to this special song.

Along with the smoothness and production of Spike Rebel who is doing backgrounds as well. And reconnecting with Brutha Basil after creating 2 number tracks last year is the majestic Mr. Sophisticado himself Vick Lavender and his masterful brilliance. There is one way we are going to make it. And we will make it together in this life if we collectively in unison Love Life.

Lyrics performed, written & arranged by Brutha Basil

Music written by V. Lavender & Spike Rebel.

Music produced & arranged by V. Lavender.

All instruments performed by Spike Rebel & V. Lavender.

Drum programming by V. Lavender.

Engineering & mastering by V. Lavender at The Sophisticado studios Chicago ILL USA.
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