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Each To Our Own Divide

Other Form

Unknown Movements
UM006EP | 2020-10-02  
Nearing the end of a busy year of remixes, collabs, and appear- ances on various V/As, Unknown Movements' label boss Other Form presents 'Each to Our Own Divide' - his first solo EP since 2017's 'Unmarked Paths' - which builds upon a recent wave of support from the likes of Charlotte de Witte, Amotik, Takaaki Itoh, Denise Rabe, Amotik, Kwartz, Stephanie Sykes, Slam, and Robert S, and includes a menacing remix courtesy of Shifted.

Opener 'Don't Let Them Taint You' and third track 'Further Still' both channel 2020's tense and nervous energy into two 'floor- ready cuts, driven with merciless percussion and dirty analogue basslines that weave and morph as expected for the products
of live hardware jams. 'Unpicking Sides' and Shifted's remix of 'Not My Leader' (the original version of which appeared on the label's first V/A earlier this year) both simmer at a slower pace and delve deeper into experimental textures. Together, these tracks showcase the uniquely atmospheric techno for which Other Form is becoming known, and collectively bottle the mood of this year.

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