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Before I got into this music I wanted to be an originator ; I wanted to be original. I wanted to keep true to the sound of the original Detroit people at the same time. I had to look inside myself and say 'What do you like, what do you want to hear ?' What I've always wanted to hear: the basic stripped down, raw sound. Just drums, basslines and funky grooves and only what's essential. Only what is essential to make people move. I started to look at it as a science, the art of making people move, speaking to their heart, mind and soul. That's the only thing I focussed on and that's M-Plant. It's the M-Plant in every person's mind that is speaking through your heart, through your soul and is making you dance in the process. True techno, the true sound of it is a science.
M-Plant is just M. minimal." (Robert Hood)

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