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Not Another Love Song

Blacksoul, Rithma

Blacksoul Music
BSM-001 | 2006-09-22  
As the story goes, there comes a time in everyones life, right after being dumped and right before the night is over, when hearing another love song pretty much makes you want to drink whiskey and throw it up all over the speakers. So, with this in mind, Blacksoul (Deepfunk Records , OAE , Icon , Uniform , Greenhouse , So Sound , Grab , Reverberations) and Rithma (Om Records, Tweekin, Utensil) teamed up to create a tune that would mop up every last speck of vomit on the dancefloor! "Not Another Love Song" is the answer to all the love cheese out there…. After both being left high & dry by ego-shattering breakups, Blacksoul & Rithma met online and started stroking each other's egos back to life. They decided to collaborate on a no-love song that would have both the heartbreakers and heartbroken dancing in unison once again. The process was simple, Blacksoul would make the beats and send them out of Croatia across the sea to California where unkle Rithers would sing his whiskey blues into a can, and send it back to Croatia for final snipping & mixdown. And then out of nowhere Blacksoul says "I GOT REMIXES", and lo & behold some crazy ass remix (which sounds like a whole new song) by Da Sunlounge, including original guitar work by Chris Todd of Crazy P and what high quality dance EP would be complete without some deep trippy remix work by San Francisco fave Joshua (IZ) (who, as the story goes, was the first person, many years ago, to pull a young Rithma out of the masses and deem him Label-Worthy...) It seems all things co! me full circle over time, so if youve ever had your heart stepped on, like we all have, give this record a spin at your local club, pub, or rave. And please, don't sing me another song about love. Supported by :Justin Martin , Fred Everything , Honey Dijon , Diz , Ken - East Coast Boogiemen , Sound Republic , Matt Shrewd , Matthew Bandy , Dj Mes , Onionz , Murray Richardson , Raoul Belmans , Dj Heather , Kid Massive , Rick Preston , Boz Utensil , Manuel Tur , Pete Dafeet , Strakes , Demarkus Lewis , Atnarko , Massimo DaCosta , Luke McKeehan and many others.
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