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YHV Records
YHV487A | 2024-01-26  
Mudboy's latest release, "Hallelujah," is a captivating journey into the realm of organic house, where the fusion of natural elements and electronic beats gives birth to a track that resonates with profound emotional depth. From the first notes, Mudboy crafts an immersive sonic experience that invites listeners into a world where the organic and the electronic coalesce seamlessly.

At the heart of "Hallelujah" is the evocative blend of organic instrumentation and electronic production. The track unfolds with a delicate balance, where hand-played instruments and synthesized sounds coexist harmoniously. Mudboy's meticulous attention to detail is evident, as each layer of sound contributes to the overall emotional resonance of the piece.

Producer: Mudboy
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Record Label: YHV Records

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