Vasily Umanets, Sound Producer from Veliky Novgorod!! Starting his career as a Musician in 2012, Vasily proved himself as the author of successful remixes and his own singles, his tracks managed to enlist the support of many world DJs!! To date, Vasily Bolie has 100 releases on foreign labels! Vasily's sound is characterized by Warm chords! forming rafts of groove and beautiful sound deeply rooted Deep house, House, Garage! Music accompanies Vasily throughout his life. It's hard to imagine life without music! Without the sounds of music, she would be incomplete, deaf, poor. Nothing evokes the past with such force as music; it achieves more: when it evokes it, it seems as if it itself passes before us, shrouded, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, by a mysterious and sad veil! Vasily is also the creator of the new label Deep Compact Records, which is in the field of intensive creative process, a huge number of "named" genres
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