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I Am Not

Kevin Knapp,Mikey Lion

Desert Hearts Records
DH117 | 2022-06-10  
Kevin Knapp and Mikey Lion join forces for the "I Am Not EP". The two-tracker is packed with feel good house influences and chunky grooves. These tracks are destined to create some phenomenal "go wild" moments on dance floors across the globe. "The only way I can describe what feels like an instant connection with Mikey and all that he's built is music and ethos. Something has resonated with me in each piece of music he's released, and I feel like our mutual trajectories have been ascending since the moment we met 2018. I approached him about doing a collaborative EP upon my return to the USA because I felt like his musical approach and imperative to love through music to dance floors squared seamlessly with where my head has been in my approach to music over the last several years. I like to say "sometimes things just work" and this is undoubtedly one of those instances. I'm excited about this EP and the potential to work together in the future, it feels like a piece of home." - Kevin Knapp

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