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Syrte & Visions of Glosters

Science Cult
SCAS0 | 2020-04-03  
Science Cult is the brainchild of Techno Veteran Stefan Weise (Gem Records, Wolf Trap, Framework Records) and Audiophile Music Group co-founder Jimmy Freer. On the first release of what will be the eight-part “Astra Spectra” series, Stefan and Jimmy collaborated as Syrte and Visions of Glosters with a remix by Stefan under his Syrte moniker.

First up is “Satellite Funk”, delivering a deep and funky groove right from the start intertwined with a funky bass and robotic elements. The Syrte remix of the same track delves deeper into robotics territory, while keeping the funky electro vibe alive.

For “The Realm” and “Io Flyby”, the pair have embraced space exploration, science and futurism as their inspiration as both tracks take you on a deep dive into the beyond, reinforced by intricate percussion and funky synth sequences.

Stefan Weise envisioned the “Astra Spectra” series as a celebration of mankind’s vision for space exploration, past and future, while also expressing a love for space science, science fiction and the spirit of discovery. Each release in the series is representative of a color frequency in our sun’s absorption spectrum and the element which is represented by that, hence the name, which means “Solar Spectrum”

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