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Hey Young World


NDATL 020 | 2017-10-16  
NDATL continues with the return of Kayenne who with label boss Kai Alce have already turned out two #1 Traxsource Hits! "Someone" (RestlessSoul Records) & "Love Don't Love You Back" (Basement Boys Records). Now a sweet precautionary tune with calls for sunshine "Hey Young World" will have you and your dancefloor in harmonized bliss, accompanied by Kafele Bandele on trumpet the deep landscape is complete, NDATL enlists Andy Compton of The Rurals on remix duties, "HYW" now gets the smooth Bristol touch! Kai and his NDATL all stars DelvynW and Stefan Ringer retouch it as well for that club dub feelin! Hey Young World Listen & Enjoy!
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