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KURAI-002 | 2015-12-07  
KURAI RECORDINGS takes pride in presenting the second of its instalment in a form of a single entitled HYPOCRACY:

%u201CWith all that's been happening in the year 2015, I thought it wouldn't hurt to close off this year with a release. The song's source of inspiration is derived from the recent SA university strikes, and of course it incorporates a speech by the late-great Malcom X(Stop Singing and Start Swinging)%u201D says Boskay.

Art is a very diverse range of human activities that describes %u201Clife%u201D. Well, in his own interpretation of life, BOSKAY takes us through a journey of deepness filled with escalating rhythms and bass-stabs. His interpretation of House Music is clearly painted out on this piece of art.

TRACKLIST: Boskay %u201CHypocricy%u201D KURAI-002

1. Hypocricy


1 : Produced, Arranged & Mixed by Boskay.

KURAI RECORDINGS is where Quality, Funky and Cutting Edge Music lives!

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