Produced by Bobby & Steve & James Ratcliff, "Brotherly Love" brings back that good old feeling in dance music. With Andy Hamilton on saxophone, Bah Samba's Julian Bendall on keyboards, and Tim Walker on Bass, this jazzy summer groove tells such a great story from beginning to end with not a vocal insight. If you're into driving drums with a diamond cut production then head straight for the main mix, while the dub delivers more of an intense feeling, the reprise will let you be a little more creative.
Written by R.Laviniere / S. Laviniere
Published by Westbury Music
Produced by Bobby & Steve For Zoo Groove Stereo Productions
Co Produced by James Ratcliff For Urban Groove Productions
Keyboards By Julian (bah samba) Bendal
Bass By Tim Walker
Sax By Andy Hamilton
Engineered By James Ratcliff
@ The Well House
A&R by Bobby & Steve
(P) & (C) 2004
Written by R.Laviniere / S. Laviniere
Published by Westbury Music
Produced by Bobby & Steve For Zoo Groove Stereo Productions
Co Produced by James Ratcliff For Urban Groove Productions
Keyboards By Julian (bah samba) Bendal
Bass By Tim Walker
Sax By Andy Hamilton
Engineered By James Ratcliff
@ The Well House
A&R by Bobby & Steve
(P) & (C) 2004
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