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SL00032 | 2009-10-13  
Sophisticado All-star DJ Celeste Alexander delivers the goods with her first single. Good 4 the soul is an old school, disco, funk vibe with all the makings of real party. Her concept of disco the way it use to be, Celeste with the T.S.O.C. (The Sound of Chicago), Vick Lavender, Rick Gehrenbeck all came together for a serious disco jam session, that resulted in a Sophisitcado Party extraordinaire! This track puts you in the Height of the party when you walk into the door! Concept by Celeste Alexander. Music written by Rick Gehrenbeck. Produced by Vick Lavender. Special Thanks go out to the Members of T.S.O.C. (The Sound of Chicago) Celestethedj Alexander Danny Alexander DJ Ronnie Vick Lavender PJay Ms. MeMe Will "Reelsoul" Rodriquez Leihia Acox-Franklin Erwin Acox DeJay Cease Raquel Irizarry For Licensing & Booking Information for Celeste Alexander contact: or Fro Licensing & Booking Information for any Sophisticado artist,dj or producer contact:

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