Here is what some peeps think... DERON DELGADO (Stompy): Smooookin!!! Lovin' it!! I'm burning it right now to play it tonight. Full support! -d RICK NEUMANN (Shak Digital): Dave's tracks recently are on fire. Mice and Music is extraordinary piece of music and the uneaq remix is giving it an extra spice. Class release guys! High five! ANDY RILEY (Inland Knights): Loving the uneaq mix, and 'music and words' original is hot too...full support! - andy HIGH MAINTENANCE (Juiced Music): "I'm really feelin' both versions of Music & Words! Lovin' that jazzy piano and that upright bass!" CRAIG HAMILTON (Flatpack): "some seriously dope shit once again from a very promising new label. Diggin the jazzy uneaq mix of "cat & mouse" & the original of "music & words". Keep em coming man. "
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