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My Normal Usual Far

Jerome Sydenham, Sally

Apotek Records
APT020 | 2014-07-15  
The latest EP from Apotek, 'My Normal Usual Far', keeps the label in a firm stride.

Jerome Sydenham forges on with another classic edit. On this occasion, Sydenham minimalizes Jonas Kopp's classic 'Reforce' leaving us with a steady pumping floor pounder.

'My Normal Usual Far' is the second installment of the new Ibadan Records artist Sally. Armed with an array of organic drum machines and synth Jerome Sydenham and Sally trail blaze their way into Tech-House heaven. The movement of this track is indelible.

With 'Encouragement' Sydenham and Sally continue on the path to Tech-House excellence with this stripped down ultra tool.

(P) & (C) Ibadan Records, 2014


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