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AQUA-053 | 2024-12-15  
Produced by David Lalla for Jersey Soul Productions
Mixed and Mastered by Luis 'LooweeR' Rivera
Keys and chords by David Lalla & Tiger Wilson
Church Solo and Shelter Style elevation synth riffs by the incomparable ' Tiger Wilson'
Vocal Production and arrangement by Anaya Weathers & Pam Weathers
We proudly present a project that we carefully waited close to 3 years for release. It is with extreme pleasure that we present you this amazing duet between 2 powerhouse vocalists in our modern soulful house music industry. A song that speaks to the times that we are currently living in. When money, religion, politics, stormy weather, and sickness plagues us, we come to the stark reality that the most important thing in this life is family. Please enjoy this timeless classic. HEY DJ's…. "you know what to do" Chart it, Play it. Be sure to like and follow Anaya Weathers & Pam Weathers on their social media.
Copyright. Aquasol Recordings 2024

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