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Those Kinds of Friends

Shinra Knives

YUKUSF044 | 2024-10-08  
"My last EP for YUKU, ‘Protect Me From What I Want', was about acknowledging one’s capacity to endure in a relationship. To me, ‘Those Kinds of Friends’ is the natural follow up in that it indulges the compulsion to leave.

‘Plague Dogs' is about two separate connections in different periods of time: a singular letter to two people that are no longer in my life. In both spaces, I overextended myself to hold someone else still, and became the thing I wanted to avoid most. There’s an anger that comes in the moment when you realize you’ve allowed someone else to pull you from yourself: not in service of growth, but of enablement.

‘I’ll Hurt You if You Stay’ is written from the perspective of someone in a relationship that identifies themselves as having become the aggressor, but also recognizes an inability to refrain from behaving in a way detrimental to both parties occupying that space. When you realize that you’re not healing, and your lack of progression impacts someone that you love.

Both tracks were written last winter while I was on tour with friends, in vans and hotel rooms on the nights that I couldn’t sleep after a show. The video (made using Blender/After Effects/AI, and enlisting aid for the ‘space fluid’ segments) was made this summer. The cover image is a water damaged and time weathered Poloroid."
—Shinra Knives

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