Label: ANAOH
Artist (s): innexen
Album: The Depths Of Power
Remixer (s): CRAVO, Are:gone
Genre: Techno
Master: Dig-it at Fractal Sono Lab, Mexico City.
Format: Digital WAV/MP3/AIFF
Catalogue Number: ANA120
Release Date: 08/23/2024
In May of this year, Innexen debuted in our series 'Rhythmic Sciences, Vol. 2'.
But we knew without a doubt that it would be the beginning of a long-lasting relationship, created thanks to his enormous talent.
Today the native of Pasto, Colombia and based in Cali, presents his debut EP 'The Depths Of Power' 4 tracks that together make up a work meticulously designed to obtain a result that fulfills strength, power, elegance, forcefulness and groove.
To accompany this magnificent work we invited 2 of the ANAOH members most loved by all of you, on the one hand Are:gone, has made a minimalist and enigmatic remix to 'Natural Movement'.
Another guest is our dear CRAVO is back in ANAOH as a remixer, this time creating his own version of 'The Depth of Power' a powerful work loaded with an incessant groove from start to finish.
Artist (s): innexen
Album: The Depths Of Power
Remixer (s): CRAVO, Are:gone
Genre: Techno
Master: Dig-it at Fractal Sono Lab, Mexico City.
Format: Digital WAV/MP3/AIFF
Catalogue Number: ANA120
Release Date: 08/23/2024
In May of this year, Innexen debuted in our series 'Rhythmic Sciences, Vol. 2'.
But we knew without a doubt that it would be the beginning of a long-lasting relationship, created thanks to his enormous talent.
Today the native of Pasto, Colombia and based in Cali, presents his debut EP 'The Depths Of Power' 4 tracks that together make up a work meticulously designed to obtain a result that fulfills strength, power, elegance, forcefulness and groove.
To accompany this magnificent work we invited 2 of the ANAOH members most loved by all of you, on the one hand Are:gone, has made a minimalist and enigmatic remix to 'Natural Movement'.
Another guest is our dear CRAVO is back in ANAOH as a remixer, this time creating his own version of 'The Depth of Power' a powerful work loaded with an incessant groove from start to finish.
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