"Do You Remember" is a Deep House single featuring intense vocals by two seasoned producers: Mediados and Alejandro Deep. Marking their debut on this label, the track boasts catchy basslines and is overall a finely crafted, well-produced piece. The single nostalgically alludes to the good old days of classic vocal deep house music.
This new single is ready for you to own your beat. Make yourself the owner of our sound: Because our groove, our beat, and our home, "It's not ours"; it's yours. Welcome to "Own My Beat.
Distributed by Triplepoint - www.triplepointmusic.com
This new single is ready for you to own your beat. Make yourself the owner of our sound: Because our groove, our beat, and our home, "It's not ours"; it's yours. Welcome to "Own My Beat.
Distributed by Triplepoint - www.triplepointmusic.com
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