The Netherlands has proven to be fertile ground for electronic talent. Few can turn their hand to the range of styles that Ian Martin can, even fewer can match his sheer quality. Shipwrec are delighted to welcome this talent to the label with four tracks making up "Future Dawn." Cosmic Garden opens. A piece that blurs genre lines, soft synthlines are coupled with ruffled rhythms that immerses the listener in gentle orchestral ebbs and flows. Sounds of isolation introduce "Future Dawn", modulations reaching over an ever-widening expanse before strings descend. Drums arrive late in this atmospheric journey, a journey that pulses with a primal energy while conjuring vivid images. The ominously titled "Dead Calm" opens the flip. Soundtracks have always been an inspiration for Martin and the scores of the silver screen are at the forefront of this work. Brittle beat patterns are the bedrock on which melodies whirl, a bitter acid bass bubbling as tension builds to paranoic peaks. Darker skies loom with the marine chop of "Phantom Machine" finishing. A flotsam and jetsam of hi hats swirl in the liquid undulations of distorted bass and aquatic echoes, rougher rusted rhythms providing ballast to the eddies and maelstrom of Martin's machines.
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