Hailing from the jungle of Tulum coming from Comodoro, Argentina - Kalo Sepulveda joins the DowntempoLove family with this unconventional two tracker. "Toa vida pa bailar" surprises with melodic guitars, melancholic vocals and dreamy prophet synths. The second track "Torifull" is kept a minimal disco song, which brings a rocky vibe to the dance floor. Super artistic release. We say thank you & We love it :)
1. Kalo Sepulveda - Toa la vida pa bailar (Original Mix)
2. Kalo Sepulveda - Torifull (Original Mix)
Masters: Marco Tegui
Artwork: DALLEE & Kathrin
Release Date: 08.03.2024
1. Kalo Sepulveda - Toa la vida pa bailar (Original Mix)
2. Kalo Sepulveda - Torifull (Original Mix)
Masters: Marco Tegui
Artwork: DALLEE & Kathrin
Release Date: 08.03.2024
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