Italian duo EarthLife make a triumphant return to Spectrum, following their 2023 collaboration 'Dark Waves,' alongside fellow newcomers Moonwalk. Setting the tone for another promising year, EarthLife embark on a captivating journey with their latest offering, 'Trasporto'.
'Trasporto' unveils as a mesmerizing soundscape characterized by percolating synths and haunting cinematic strings. With its evocative atmosphere, the track emerges as the perfect soundtrack for late-night drivers and dancers, immersing listeners in a world of mystery and temptation.
'Trasporto' unveils as a mesmerizing soundscape characterized by percolating synths and haunting cinematic strings. With its evocative atmosphere, the track emerges as the perfect soundtrack for late-night drivers and dancers, immersing listeners in a world of mystery and temptation.
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