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MBR550 | 2023-08-11  
In "Don't Care Anymore," Jamek Ortega, Maxi Meraki, and Samm converge to navigate a dreamy musical sojourn that showcases dancefloor intuition and emotional acumen within the studio. A melange of immersive rhythms, mesmerizing basslines and limber melodies, the uplifting anthem captures the soothing sensation of buoyance and reprieve. Permeating space with harmonious congruences of elemental instrumentals, elated progressions and finespun resonance, "Don't Care Anymore" creates a refuge that quiets the noise of future and past, rapt in the solace of the very moment.

Press by Marie J Floro. Artwork by Rachael D’Alessandro. Executive producer MoBlack. Distributed by Muting The Noise.
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