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Ciudad Fantasma

Alpha Visitor

SHIP068 | 2023-01-02  
A new entity has made musical contact with Shipwrec. Alpha Vistor. The newly minted moniker of musician and sound designer Ivan Zapico, this four tracker debut is steeped in the traditions of electro. In the ghostly “Ciudad Fantasma” threats lurk in the murky shadows of basslines and beats, an unsettling atmosphere of menace penetrating speakers from the outset. Clinical percussion and an overarching unease introduce “20202020.” Dark undercurrents of melody brood below shimmering glass chords in this foreboding work. The flip comes to life with “Malos Tiempos para la Guerra,” an ominous prescience coming to bear in the track title. A hi-hat haze is broken by sweetened strings, a kick drum maintaining the intensity. When a snare arrives, it is accompanied by greasy acid basslines; brightness countered with shadow. The final encounter comes with “Templo de Cova.” A soaked beat surfaces amid stabbing sythlines and twilight tones that break to triumphal highs, a reflective culmination to this ruminative release.

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