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CHAM002D | 2021-11-26  
A sonic herbarium in the guise of a luxuriating, intimate full-length chamber techno opus.
A collection of miniatures wherefrom fractals, inflorescences, ramifications, reiterations are projected. In Chamberlain’s garden, the organic pollinates the digital (or is it the other way around?), giving each sound a fragrance, each note a colour.
An awakening of the senses that summons the psyche to its curio cabinet, with minutiae accumulating into surprising wholes. Electronics drift through without disturbing the carefully organized mess of musical references that sprout about like childhood memories.
Gardens II is an album that was designed as an escape hatch into unexplored terrain, a fertile ground where the organic and the electronic photosynthesize in melancholy and contemporaneousness, the careful pruning of this lush vegetation conjuring delicate sonic tableaus.

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