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TRIBE216 | 2020-12-11  
Pietro Nicosia is an Italian music composer, born in Rome and heavily involved in electronic music, ethnic and jazz, having studied classical music and jazz. His productions have enjoyed releases on numerous credible labels and now makes his debut on Tribe.

Pietro's atmospheric approach to production caught the attention of Zepherin Saint, who immediately wanted to give his interpretation to this rhythm and journey further taking the meaning on this release from both producers of imagining of the blossoming of a flower.

Produced and mixed by Pietro Nicosia
All instruments Pietro Nicosia

Thunder Mix
Produced by Zepherin Saint
Drum programming, Percussion, Bass, Rhodes - Zepherin Saint
Synth and Flute Solo - Damian Smith
Mixed & Mastered by Matt Bandy at EarthWorks

Pietro Nicosia Tribe Music Publishing
Dean Zepherin Tribe Music Publishing
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