Mais de uma geracao foi influenciada por Tim Maia. Uma referencia da soul music brasileira, ele foi responsavel por inumeras obras primas. Em meio a uma pandemia sem precedentes na historia moderna, BARC tentou traduzir a 'Saudade' da pista de danca em musica, usando sample do sindico e colocando todo o seu caracteristico groove.
More than a generation was influenced by Tim Maia. A reference in Brazilian soul music, he was responsible for numerous masterpieces. In the midst of a pandemic unprecedented in modern history, BARC tried to translate the 'Saudade' of the dance floor into music, using the Tim 'Landlord's' Maia sample and putting all its characteristic groove.
More than a generation was influenced by Tim Maia. A reference in Brazilian soul music, he was responsible for numerous masterpieces. In the midst of a pandemic unprecedented in modern history, BARC tried to translate the 'Saudade' of the dance floor into music, using the Tim 'Landlord's' Maia sample and putting all its characteristic groove.
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