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TBM337 | 2018-08-31  
The Bearded Man spends his more contemplative moments wondering if other people feel the same things he does. He’s fully aware that as a more-or-less immortal, his experience of life is fundamentally different from most humans. Still, he’s fairly convinced that we all feel the same basic emotions. When he entertains this train of thought, he starts with the basics: “Does blue look the same to me as you?” “What’s the perfect temperature of a summer evening?” “Do we hear the same frequencies?” And then, he’ll go a little deeper… “What percentage of time do we spend thinking about what might have been?” “Can we ever learn to truly let go of the past?” “Does she think about me as much as I think about her?” And so on… He’s willing to admit that there’s a very real possibility that his experience of life is nothing like anyone else’s. At times, he’s convinced that must be true. But then U Got My Heart comes on, and he’s sure that at least *someone* out there feels what he feels.

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