Sometimes, you can find gold when you look where no one else is looking. Sometimes, just because everyone’s using the right lane of a two-lane drive-thru at McDonald’s, that doesn’t mean the left lane’s not also open, ya dig? People in large groups aren’t known for always making the wisest decisions, so it’s rarely a safe bet to blindly trust the herd. In 1850, when everyone was rushing to California for gold, The Bearded Man joined in. He noticed that everyone was looking for gold in the obvious places, like mountains and streams, and some people even seemed to be striking it rich. The Bearded Man started looking in less obvious places - like convenience stores and brothels. One day, he struck the largest gold deposit in history! He had finally become rich like everyone else… Only problem was, you guessed it, what he found was actually Pyrite. He was soon labeled a “fool”, and that’s where the name “fool’s gold” was born. Of course, along the journey - and many years later - he would discover that the true gold of California was the sunshine and laid-back atmosphere. Awwww, that’s sweet.
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