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Moments In Time - for some, that may mean a photograph or a specific scent that transports them back to an exact place or instant. For us, its all about relative frequencies.

The ethos behind our imprint is simple, yet one of the most undeniably powerful concepts known to man: unexampled music, that leads to you to abscond from the confines of reality itself.

Through the medium of trance-inducing melodic techno, Moments In Time will provide you with a catalogue of sensory experiences. Releases are specifically hand-picked for their escapist values, allowing you to become welcomely lost in the moment.

The real magic comes with the repetition of that experience. Anybody that has experienced a goosebump moment on a dark and intimate dancefloor will tell you just how good it feels to relive that experience. Moments In Time's aim is to create an array of individual destinations that you can revisit, vividly, time after time.

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