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For Cynthia, a spot-lit stage lays in wait for a sultry vocalist to lay her soul bare. Classic, contemporary, cutting edge, this singer/songwriter possesses a voice at once haunting and healing. Her distinctive tone flows from dark to sweet, mysterious and soulful, hypnotizing her audiences with gut-wrenching emotion.

This has enabled her to be featured on highly respectable labels in the electronic music industry including Nick Holder's DNH along with Defected / Classic Music Company in her work with Demuir.

Cynthia is poised to be a distinctive presence on a scene which yearns for a voice and personality as real, and as necessary as the one that she possesses.

Born in Edmonton, raised in Toronto Canada, Cynthia's ancestral roots reach across the ocean to the bustling motherland of Ghana. As a 1st generation Northside girl-child, her surrounding soundtrack was a master mix of her mother's Ghanaian hi-life, her father's funk, and her own adolescent 808's that thumped through the speakers in her home. From hip-rocking African sounds to James Brown, folk to Techno, her musical influences permeated each moment of her growing up.

Today, she is a modern day manifestation of a myriad of musical expressions: a raspy fusion of acoustic soul, blues with rock, dirty electro beats to soulful house music rhythms.

Like the talented songwriters that precede her, she reaches into the recesses of her mind for the experiences and emotions that transform themselves into telling and relevant songs. As a youngster, Cynthia retreated from a volatile home life, into her recorder and notepad; the stories and scenes she witnessed at a young age became lyrics that told stories about a young girl. Like boys to men; struggling to grow and make sense of the instabilities that surrounded her. Singing, songwriting, and performing became her saving grace.

"I've always written songs about reality -living in a shelter, surviving molestation and physical abuse, the cheating and beating, girls becoming women before their time, and surviving the odds.

First my songs were like a diary, but then they became a way to fill my need to be heard. Now, I know that I write to connect to listeners who can really relate to the emotions that humans go through, and see themselves through my songs, that's shit's scary but it lets me know that my experiences are never really about me. "

Emotion and connection aptly describe this statuesque beauty whose vocals echo with the resonance of the singer women who have come before, but with a truth and tone that are truly her own.

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