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Producer, DJ, label owner and promoter, Alexander Koning, can boast quite a standing in the contemporary world of electronic music. Since Koning's initial introduction to house and techno in the late eighties, he's come a long way and seen his own mate..

Producer, DJ, label owner and promoter, Alexander Koning, can boast quite a standing in the contemporary world of electronic music. Since Koning's initial introduction to house and techno in the late eighties, he's come a long way and seen his own material released with many reputable imprints in the industry such as Global Underground, Pacha, Bellboy, Circle ,Subliminal etc etc . Now Alexander has gone on to launch his own platform for releasing material in the latter half of 2013, namely [Percep-tion] Records.

Koning caught the electronic music bug after spending his youth attending underground illegal raves at abandoned warehouses and various locations across his home turf of Holland. This soon led to a desire for Alexander to host his own events, teaming up with friend Michel Becks for a string of small parties in their hometown under the name 'Eye On The Future', after great success things blossomed and soon saw a venue change to accommodate its following and the welcoming of internationally renowned artists headlining the events. The likes of Adam Beyer, Joel mull, Marc Romboy, Ben Sims, Valentini kanzyani , Martin Eyerer, Einmusik and Chris Liebing to name a few all graced the decks for the the first time in Holland on Eye on the future , and eventually the prosperity of the parties led to a nomination for 'Best Dutch Organization' in 1998. To this date Alexander is still throwing successful parties and continually keeping things exciting with fresh names being brought to Holland with every step forward.

Alexander can also boast a reputable presence on the DJ circuit himself, having played gigs at some of the globes leading nightclubs such as Watergate, Katerholzig, Suicide Circus, Ministry Of Sound, the late Turnmills, Awakenings , Doka,Melkweg, Paradiso etc etc and the Dancevalley, Sunrise,Wooferland,5 days off , Loveland Festivals (this is just a little summary of which clubs and festivals he played).
His djing took him to a lot of coutries worldwide like Sweden, Hungary, Bosnia, Ukrain, Russia, Belgium, Croatia, England and Germany to name a few.
This stands as testament to Koning's ability as a DJ amongst other skills. Now at this present date, after a five-year hiatus due to health issues, Koning is back in full force delivering more of his classy house and techno grooves via [Percep-tion]. Hosting label showcases at one of Berlin's leading club spaces Katerholzig and at Amsterdam's Doka, Toren and Stalker.

As [Percep-tion] continues to grow we'll see Koning delve deeper into his experimentation between art and music, fusing the two through record sleeves and homemade art. While also working alongside friend and production partner Andy Slate under the 'Distorted Beauty' guise, the material of which has already been snapped up by the likes of ViVa Music, Tonkind and Tulipa, again a telling sign of the creativity that continually flows and never falters through this impressive talent.

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